Learning the Hard Way: The Essentials of Halloween Dog Costume Design


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Many Download clubs and animal organizations sponsor activities throughout the year where you and your pooch can bond. This is especially true at Halloween, when you and your dog will have an opportunity to hacking passwords facebook part in costume contests, parades, and other events to show off your creativity. Our local Humane Society, for example, has a "Howling Party," while our dog club has its annual how to hack into a facebook Fair." Other organizations put on dog parades. The best part about all of these events is that you are able to show your dog off in costume!

Even if you are staying home this year and waiting on trick or treaters to come by, consider having your costumed dog go with you to the door. Or, if you have trained him to open the door to greet guests even better! If this is the case, your dog should also be trained not to jump on guests when they arrive. A well-costumed dog greeter might have neighborhood children running away before they get their candy should he jump upon them.

Before I became a dog owner, I thought hack facebook password free was silly, unfair, and perhaps a bit inhumane to dress dogs up for how to facebook hack Since those days, I have become a dog owner and now realize dogs love to participate in all activities (except a trip to the veterinarian). Participating together in Halloween festivities with your favorite furry friend is another opportunity for you to cherish your time together.


Over the years, I have learned a few lessons about dressing dogs up for Halloween. Every year when Halloween approached, I would work feverishly trying to create the perfect dog costume. Spending Activehacker sewing together parts of old-fashioned crack facebook password I attempted to make my terrier into an instant Komondor (a.k.a. Hungarian Sheepdog). For a day, I wanted him to feel like one of those amazing dogs with a Rasta-style hairdo. When people spotted him, they would exclaim, "Hey it's a dog in a dog costume!" But, I really thought, It's a dog in a people costume!

As I walked proudly down the street with him in his Komondor costume, he decided to shake until his costume des mops dragged along between us. From a distance, I thought he might get by looking like a street cleaner. But to my despair, he didn't. As crowds watched, he simply looked like a dog dragging a huge mop down the street how embarrassing!

This is when I learned the first two essential rules for dog costumes:

1) Keep the costume light.

2) Keep the costume simple.

The next year, I had a puppy to dress up. Constructing an adorable lightweight costume was my only goal. Since the puppy loved carrying objects in her how hack facebook password I covered a stick in leather for her to bite and carry. Then, I attempted to put a pair of panties on her. She frantically yelped, bounced, and wiggled them off, and consequently refused to let me near her with the undergarments in hand.

This is when I learned the third essential rule of dog costumes:

3) Always give your dog a trial run before assuming she will wear any costume you muster. Or, better yet, have your dog wear the costume around the house before Halloween so that she will get used to it. Don't learn the hard way.

The following year, I made plans to take my older dog to the Halloween dog parade again. Since I had learned from experience, I chose to fashion a costume that was simple, easy to make, and lightweight. My dog was going to be "a walking billboard!" I glued two rectangular pieces of foam core together with material in the center and was going to lay it over the top of my dog. This time, however, I was determined to be smart about it by letting him get used to it beforehand following my own third rule.

It worked out great as he paced around the house and the billboard costume got some great laughs from friends and family members. I was happy that things would turn out better than the two years previous. As the parade began, we marched along together and he suddenly did the unexpected, as if he were planning it all along. He crouched down and the billboard became a non-flexible tent. He was able to walk right out of it, which got additional laughs from the crowd, but meant an immediate disqualification from the contest.

This is when I learned the fourth essential rule of dog costumes:

4) Expect the unexpected, even when you think you've thought of everything!

The following year, I tied a large helium balloon around the dog's mid-section and put a small lightweight blanket over him. The blanket had a little box sitting on it with two tiny stuffed animals. I had ribbons around the bottom of the balloon that I attached to the box. The costume was adorable, or so I believed. It was a balloon-ride costume. The bobbing balloon must have been more exciting to the other dogs because as soon as the other dogs got How To Hack Yahoo Password of him, they started pulling away from their owners in hot pursuit of the shiny red balloon. Fortunately, I had a pair of scissors and cut the string. Up, up, up it went. Bailey and I were free, but so was our balloon. And once again, we were disqualified from the parade, as had become a tradition.

This is when I learned the fifth and sixth essential rules of dog costumes:

5) Be prepared. Before you go to any gathering, think about what you should bring along In case something needs a quick fixing or if something goes wrong.

6) Bring your camera and have plenty of film. I wished I had gotten a picture of my dog in his balloon costume before I snipped the string. Check your camera batteries too. And, have a friend take some photos of you and your dog together you'll enjoy them later.

Last year, however, I took the easy way out. I purchased a Superman costume from a costume shop. Most costume shops now carry such paraphernalia. The costume was lightweight, which was a plus. I decided I would just use the cape and keep the other parts of the costume as back up. So, once again, we were off to our annual dog club "Fun Fair," and one of the featured activities was a Halloween dog parade with an award for "Best Costume".

My dog was dressed upon arrival. I tied the cape under his chin and that was it. Kids shouted, "It's Super Dog!" Adults responded by shouting "Not original!" Someone walked up to me and asked, "What happened? We expected you, at least, to be original." Feeling guilty, I sat there not taking home any awards. But, it was the first time my "Super Dog" participated in his very first Halloween parade. To me, he looked great and I was so proud of him. Then towards the end of the night, we were called over, along with several other "Super Dogs" with the same attire, for a photo shoot.

Submitted 10/26/2006

Copyright (c) 2006 Melanie Light

Melanie Light is an artist and art educator. She is site owner of Wheaten Works at http://www.wheatenworks.com, ArtZpet at http://www.artzpet.com and Petz Classic Dog Art at http://www.cafepress.com/petz . Her portfolio site can be found here: http://mlightart.com . You will find more artwork, gifts, and information on these sites.

Grooming Your Shih-Tzu


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"It's HARD to be so beautiful...."

I am not going to attempt to put together a grooming page on how to SHAVE your shih-tzu, as much as it is requested.

After giving it careful thought,

I believe this should be left to the pros.

I know you THINK you will save a bundle, but you won't.

First you need a proper grooming table.

You need proper shears (nothing under $100.), proper scissors and proper blades and a LOT of practice.

You will need a good vet on standby to suture your dog

when you fillet it or cut it crack facebook the clippers, particularly around the eyes and under arms.

The razor burns you will cause until you do your first

25 cuts will be painfully excruciating to the poor dog.

I think you should bush your dog every day,

should wash your dog once a week,

and go to a groomer every 3 months.

Nails should be cut as needed.

Recent finding state dogs may live as long as 20 years

with proper diet and having it's teeth cleaned regularly.

To do daily care:

Tools you will need;

* Pin brush-around $15-$25 get a good one with No balls on the tips. Balls on the tips break the hair.
* Metal comb, fine and medium
* Rat tail comb~for making the part down the back and making the top knot
* Slicker brush curved~for brushing undercoat
* Finishing spray or spray conditioner

Lay doggie down on her side, get her used to this at a young age. Lightly spray coat and start brushing with long smooth strokes, start on underside and work up her side to her back in layers. Each layer is gently brushed and little knots are worked out with your fingers. Don't rip through knots or pup will never trust you to brush her like this. After you have gone up her entire side, turn her over and brush the other side same way. Now turn her on her back and brush her tummy, careful attention to armpits where snarls facebook pass hack I clip mine how to hack on facebook account to avoid problems later. Next make her stand, and go through her entire coat with the metal combs making sure you did not miss any spots, use medium comb first, then fine metal comb. Next make top knot: Part hair with plastic rat tail comb from eye corner back across ears and then across head to other side. I tie this up with a soft tiny band for everyday. Don't make it too tight or it will make the eyes "bug" out and bother the dog. Ba!

nd it about 1 inch from scalp and then take a few hairs in the middle and holding these, how to hack accounts the top knot down to the scalp. This makes the top knot poof in the front. Next comb face "furnishings" these are the mustache and the beard~use the plastic comb for hack into facebook for free never brush this area or you may injure the eyes. Lastly, take rat tail comb and part the hair down the middle of the back to the tail. You can also use a knitting needle for this. Finish the dog with a light spray again all over avoid eyes, and gently brush the coat down with the pin brush. Poofy feets can be fluffed up with he slicker brush. Sometimes I also use the slicker brush on the undercoat when I am brushing the layers but don't brush too hard or you will crack facebook account password your baby. A small reward ends the grooming session. Either a kiss and praise and a small tidbit for being good.

Shampoo your shih tzu once a week if you can. Clean dogs do not matt as fast. hacking hotmail password her/ groom everyday!!!!!! If she is in long coat you may have to do this 2 times a day. Puppy coats start to "blow" around 6-8 months old, and they get their hacking into facebook passwords doggie fur. Then you have to brush, brush, brush, or you will have a matted dog. The blowing of the puppy coat lasts about 6 weeks...then it gets better. Most people get their shih tzu clipped around this time 7-8 months old because of this.

Good shampoos for shih tzu: My favorite is Pet Silk moisturizing shampoo and conditioner...recently I tried this following shampoo and it was nice for a change. But I still like Pet Silk the best. You can buy it at http://Cherrybrook.com just type in Pet Silk in the search and it will come up.

~Shampoo Tip for Minimizing Mats~

from the Momma of Sugar Bear and Huny B Bear

Does your furbaby tend to get mats easily? This isa great shampoo.

I use it on Sugar Bear and also on Huny who each have different texture coats and it works

equally as well on both dogs. This is a people shampoo and it is a bit expensive, but you don't

have to buy a conditioner so it evens out. The shampoo is called Physique~Shampoo + Conditioner.

It comes in a silver cylinder bottle, you can buy it at stores like KMart or big discount stores.

Wash your shih tzu with this shampoo and do not apply conditioner as it is already in the shampoo.

Gently work in in and let the silky foam work into the hair. Rinse well. I use this shampoo/conditioner

all the time and it tends to build up in the hair. It is a good idea to use a vinegar/water rinse (1/2 cup white vinegar to a quart of water) every third bath and work this into the hair to clean out the build up on the hair shaft. Work this rinse through the hair, rinse well, then shampoo. You will notice that the blow dry is easier and the upkeep on the hair is much easier with less matting and snarls.

Compliments of Lynne The BOW Lady

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Karen DeAngelo has been a shih-tzu breeder since 1986 and has won 2006 and 2007 for Best Shih-Tzu pictures on the www from http://DogLovers.com

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